Tuesday 17 August 2021

Fundamental Lessons of Hip-Hop and Jazz

Hip hop lake worth


You must well acquaint with America's pop tradition, where people are inclined to mainly hip-hop music. Kids also possess a definite attraction to the hip-hop dance style. Well, does your child passionate about hip-hop or a jazz dancing style? Therefore, it would be better to take their inclination seriously. You must consult with professionals of Lisa's Dance and Exercise to achieve your child's goals.

·   We offer all fundamental lessons of hip-hop and jazz.

·   Our veteran instructors closely observe each student and teach all the moves and techniques with utmost care. 

Classes for ages 2-4 take place Fridays at 5pm.

Classes for ages 5-10 take place Fridays at 6pm.

Classes for ages 10 and up take place Fridays at 7pm.

Classes for ages 7-12 take place on Thursdays at 5pm.

Children should wear comfortable clothing and sneakers.

Classes cost $15 each and must be paid in advance for the session (10 classes) following the free trial.


Contact us right now at 561-317-5738 to get a free quote from us!

Lisa’s Dance and Exercise
3957 Jog Road,
Greenacres, FL 33467

EMAIL: Lisasue2003@gmail.com